Saturday, December 1, 2018

Boho Decorative Christmas tree

Hello, my friends,
Today I would like to share with you a Christmas project a-la Boho style...
I purchased a decorative cone shape tree while thrifting in a local store. It had the lights inside already, which made this project even more bright, lol after you'll plug it in...

I had an idea to alter it, but what style? So many possibilities...
I followed suggestions of my friends from "bohodreams" closed group on Facebook... and decided to decorate this tree in Boho style.
All supplies for this project were purchased from Hobby Lobby and everything was on sale that day, which kind of told me that I am on the right path with the idea and all...
As suggested by bohoholics I needed to have larger flowers on the bottom of the tree and smaller size on the top, as if it would be a real growing tree...
I picked up three shades of two sized Natural Brilliance wild roses...

 and trailing/cascading smaller flower branches in three shaded as well (for the topper)
 Beaded and tassel trims from Hobby Lobby and tiny rose appliques trim are from NSK, black & white gathered ribbon from my stash, but I think it was a Hobby Lobby product as well...
Now that you know the products I was using, we can move onto the project itself...
The first step I played with the layering of trims and ribbon in order to achieve finished look...

After I was happy with layering, I loosely wrapped layered trims around the tree. I want to be sure I have enough length and even distribution between rows of wrapped trims...
So I wound up with 4 rows...
Started at the very bottom of the tree on the back (where the cord comes out), touched in loose ends od trims through the straw part of the cone to inside and secured it with a dab of hot glue... Later on, I added a bungle of leaves and flowers to give it natural finished look...
 After securing the end of the trims I started wrapping of trims on the spiral securing trims in few spots here and there and keeping an eye on the even distance between rows.
Next step was evenly spreading roses along the edge of the spiral trims: considering color combos and size
 And the last but not list important was the decoration of the top: challenging because of the tiny opening on top of the tree + ends of the trims + trailing floral sprays...

So in all my beautiful Boho Christmas Tree turned out absolutely amazing...
And when I plugged it in... it was the moment with a heavenly music and "ta-da" moment: absolutely fantastic!
Hope you liked this project and got some inspiration or ideas for your own home decor!
The best wishes + hugs & kisses,

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