Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Percussion Massage

 Hello, my friends,

How many times we all experience tightness of the muscles in desperate need for massage?

I think quite more often then we would like to...

What do you usually do if you experience these types of pains? Do you go to the massage therapist or just ignore it while suffering in hopes of it going away?

Well, I finally decided to invest in my own professional massager that professional athletes and their therapists are using and save money and time on endless visits to the massage parlor.

I am one of the most customers that have trust issues. I don't believe in commercials and promotions unless I personally tried the product or trust the person who recommends it.

Why I decided that this tool will work?

Great question >>> I went to see a myotherapist to work on specific trigger points that seems to be aggravated no matter what I do and how much I stretch and surprise, surprise >>> she simply pulled out a

VYBE Percussion Massage Gun 

I actually did a video segment on my Instagram unboxing it on working on sciatica >>> after it released my pains I set my butt down and started typing this post... LOL

No, seriously, let us get back to this massager...

VYBE Percussion Massage Gun - Pro Model -Muscle Deep Tissue Massager -Quiet, Portable, Electric, Handheld, Body Relaxation

been rated as 4.5 stars and is THE TOP selling item with the free shipping and $20 discount coupon if you'll use my link above (check the box)

The VYBE Pro is also effective at increasing your range of motion and engaging and relaxing the muscle. The pulsating action gets deep into the muscle and is a great tool for your aches and pains.

The Perfect Attachment for Each Muscle Group

8 Targeted Attachments:

  • Knot Blaster: Relieve tense spots
  • IT-Band Blade: Strip soft tissues
  • Fork: Perfect for back therapy
  • Knot Buster: Release stubborn knots
  • Wishbone: Attack backaches
  • Large Ball: Massage large muscles
  • Knob: Targets small muscles
  • Trigger Cone: Relieves trigger points
There are cheaper massagers available on Amazon, but I decided to go with this one just because that is exactly the same gun that my therapist using and it gets the highest rated reviews + with savings of $20 and free shipping >>> it was a pretty easy decision...
Learned long time ago >>> not to buy cheap things >>> rather pay extra $50 and get the real deal with a warranty and all needed tools.

Hopefully, this can help someone to release your trigger points and ease up muscle tightness and pains.

Warmest hugs,

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