Monday, February 27, 2012

How to fix your sticky mat?

How to fix your sticky mat without buying a new mat for your cutting sistem?
There is a solution... It is that easy as 1-2-3... And will cost you about $22.00...
But you are wixing all of your old mats and plus doing a favore to your best friend wixing hers...
Now you can cut this glitter paper as much as you want without worries...
Ok, do I have your attantion now?
You need 2-3 products for that:
Remove Cleaner Spray $11.85
V2 Vellum Adhesive $9.95
Make job go smooth Glue Spreader $0.55
And a couple minutes to watch a tutorial video

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  1. Natasha, you don't even need all that. All you need is Zig glue. I restore my mats beautifully by washing them with mild soap and drying them (which in itself makes them stickier -- go figure!). When they are dry I use Zig glue with the wide applicator to cover the mat in one direction, then in the other direction just to make sure I've got it all. Once it's dry, it's nice and sticky and better than new!
